Donate or Sponsor

This event serves as an important opportunity for local government, businesses, nonprofits, and community groups to connect with the public and each other.  

Lite Foot Environmental Foundation aims to create a greener, more sustainable future through community initiatives focused on environmental education, programming and tools to help you reduce, reuse and upcycle your way into an eco-friendly lifestyle. 

There are two ways you can contribute financially. Business Sponsorship and General Donations.

Donate here

Business Sponsorship

Lite Foot Sponsor


Inclusion on all print media, brochures, advertisements and flyers. Recognition on social media and the website. Prime location at the event. Logo on Event Banner. Year round recognition at the Lite Foot Store at 2400 Bull Street.


2024 Earth Day Savannah is on April 19th from 4:00pm - 7:30pm at Daffin Park

Sustaining Sponsor


Inclusion on all print media, brochures, advertisements and flyers. Recognition on social media and the website. Prime location at the event. Logo on Event Banner.


2024 Earth Day Savannah is on April 19th from 4:00pm - 7:30pm at Daffin Park

Supporting Sponsor

$500 to $750

Inclusion on all print media, brochures, advertisements and flyers. Recognition on social media and the website. Prime location at the event.


We’re immensely grateful to our sponsors for their generous support for Earth Day Savannah